House Bill 10 & 149 and Senate Bill 743 & 382
within the NC General Assembly are all relevant to us here in Western North Carolina;
The NC General Fund has money in it.
The NC Savings Reserve has money in it.
The NC Education reserve has money in it.
The Education Reserve for the state of NC is $248M.
The Department of Public Instruction receives $95M.
That is a difference of $153M going away from funding public schools, NC public teacher salaries, school books, pencils, resources, etc. and instead giving to those who are "intellectually gifted", according to the bill.
What happens next?
Roy Cooper had "The General Fund" money marked for WNC, see his letter attached to the NC legislation of the General Assembly of his feelings to the aftermath of OUR state representatives' voting and how they really feel about us here in WNC.

ON 10/10/24
From "The Savings Reserve" on 10/10/24 in House Bill 149, WNC has received $273M signed through.
Allocation of our taxpayer money, that $237M, in order as listed on HB149:
1) Extended NC emergency declaration until March 1st, 2025
2) Created "The Hurricane Helene Disaster Recovery Fund" (Helene Fund).
1- $250M to the Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, to provide the State match for federal disaster assistance programs for State agencies and units of local governments. The Division, in coordination with the Office of State Budget and Management, shall also use a portion of these funds to establish a revolving loan program to assist units of local government and State agencies with cash flow management while awaiting federal reimbursement. Funds returned to the Division through the revolving loan fund shall be used for additional cash flow loans or to provide matching funds as needed.
2- $16M to the Department of Public Instruction to supplement or replace lost compensation of school nutrition employees due to school closures resulting from Hurricane Helene, in accordance with Section 8.1(c) of this act.
3- $2M for the Office of State Budget and Management to provide grants to the North Carolina League of Municipalities, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, and the North Carolina Association of Regional Councils of Governments to provide technical assistance with local recovery funds. In providing this assistance, these entities shall prioritize grants to counties with a population of less than 250,000.
4- Five million dollars ($5M) to the State Board of Elections for the purposes set forth in Section 9.1(c) of this act.
3) Created "The Potential Tropical Cyclone #8 (PTC8) Disaster Recovery Fund" (PTC8 Fund) to provide necessary and appropriate relief and assistance from the effects of PTC8 to Brunswick and New Hanover Counties (located on the east coast).
4) Transfers $273M for the 2024-2025 fiscal year from the Savings Reserve to the Helene Fund.
5) Appropriates funds for federal disaster assistance programs.
6) Pays public schools and community colleges for the months of September and October.
7) changes the following for the 11/2024 elections:
"Chief judges, judges, assistants, student election assistants, ballot counters, and staff to early voting sites who are registered voters of the State could be appointed without regard to precinct or county of residence. Poll observers could also be appointed without regard to precinct or county of residence." and more.
(a summary, see the bill for more)

THEN ON 11/19/24.
House Bill 10 (HB10) was voted through.
"The General Fund" transfer to "The Opportunity Scholarship Grant Fund Reserve" (or, as stated in SECTION 6.2.(c) "§ 115C-150.9. Funding for academically or intellectually gifted students".)
-HB10, reduced the Public School fund by $36M this last year.

-“For the 2032-2033 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, there is appropriated from "The General Fund" to "The Reserve" $825M to be used for the purposes set forth in this section.”
-From "The General Fund", Private Schools received $1 Billion in total. (($215M + $825M))
-From "The Education Reserve", Private Schools received an additional $248M.

That number increasingly becomes larger as the years go on until 2032. Then after 2032, this is what happens:
Allowing Private Schools to now have our taxpayer dollars sitting in an account totaling $1.28 Billion, inacted as of 11/19/24.
(WAS $191M last year, 2024-2025)
Signed through on 11/19/24. Finalized
ON 11/20/24
From "The Education Reserve" in Senate Bill 743, Private Schools received an additional $5.5M, and the Governor lost powers and authority to use the funds or make reallocations.
Roy Cooper Vetoed it
Representative Dudley Greene Overwrote our Governors Veto.
The elites are learning how to separate their kids from the public schools and have it paid for with our tax payers dollars. They sent the money to accomplish this goal instead of deciding to 'lend a hand' to WNC.
OUR Senator Ralph Hise (Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Haywood, Madison, Mitchell, Watauga, Yancey), was the sponsor of Senate Bill 743 and voted in favor of using our taxpayer dollars toward supporting additional Private School funding ($5.5M more) and removing the governors power to send WNC, his represented constituents, funding.

Read it for yourself:
OUR Representative Dudley Greene (Avery, McDowell, Mitchell, Yancey) voted in favor of HB10 & SB382, against the support of his own constituents, WE the people, the people he's supposed to be representing.

See Roy Cooper's letter below to the NC legislation of the General Assembly after pulling the rug out from everyone suffering here in WNC.

Here is Representative Dudley Greene phone number and email:
(919) 733-5862
Bills and how Dudley voted:
And don't forget Senator Ralph Hise.
Here is his phone number & email:
(919) 733-3460
Bills and how Ralph voted: